Thursday, November 29, 2007

Library 2.0

G'day again.

Have just read a couple of the perspectives given about Web 2.0 and Library 2.0. Very interesting reading. I am caught in a bit of a quandry as I can see the need for( and am excited by) new technology and looking forward to the future, but (even given my relatively young age) I still love to be able to delve into books, periodicals, etc. To have something real and tangible in my hands is something that I hope I'll always be able to do in my life.

Don't get me wrong. I have found new and wonderful information at my fingertips in regards to other blogs that I would never have found if not for the 'net. To be able to read and check that information immediately is something a book or magazine will never be able to match. The instantaneous link and promise of a faster and broader base of information is very exciting.

I still love my books (and of course my collection of Phantom comics) so I hope there won't come a time when items like these are not produced anymore due to the overwhelming ease of the web.

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