Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Been a while.

Just looked at Del.icio.us and saw what a great tool it can be for quick links and searches. Being able to link straight to the page you are after and not having to search under various other keywords is such a breeze. Doing a quick search on "golf" brought up hundreds of different links and just adding a few of them is very handy.

The only problem with using it as a research tool would be knowing what tags other people had used. My idea of, say, the word basketball and its links may be completely different from someone elses and have nothing to do with the search I'm performing. And limiting a research question to my own definition may not get the desired answers.

Other than that it is a good and useful tool to organise my own 'favourites' in a way that would make a lot of sense to me.

Now, to Technorati and beyond!


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