Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Have just checked out and linked( through a Rollyo toolbar on the side of my blog) to Rollyo. It was a fun little exercise and it was a valuable tool for quick searching in my very limited field of web use. The sites I normally go to did not include most of the Phantom links because I can do most of my searching through my own resources at home. I just thought it would be interesting to have those links as a way of informing people who view my blog about the history of the Phantom.
Once again, I can see that it would be useful in our work environment, however it would probably only work in the back room. A general search engine for all staff to refer to when faced with a particular query over the phone or at the front counter. All staff contributing with different sites with different topics would be a goldmine of info for some of the weird and wonderful things we are asked.
I have put the Rollyo search icon on the side of my page for anyone to view. I just used the general selection that the site had prepared plus a few of my own( to see if I could operate it). It seemed easy enough and the only problem I had was the linking to this page when any change I made to my list wasn't reflected directly onto the link. Having to go backwards and forwards each time was time consuming but it got worked out in the end.

Happy searching from me!


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